Contest Help and FAQs

Have a question? Need help using the Exposure International Photography contest’s website? We’ve tried to make things as intuitive as possible but just in case, here you’ll find answers to the most common questions and problems. If after browsing the categories you still can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact us through call, text, WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook.

Can I change my images after submission?

No. Once you have pressed the ‘submit’ button to submit an image into a specified category, you will not be able to change it afterwards.

How do I submit my images?

All images should be submitted in our website using the “Competitions” section.

Can I enter my images in other competitions?

Yes of course. You may enter into other photography competitions as well, we have no exclusivity rights to your images.

Can I submit manipulated images?

Unfortunately no.

Can my images have copyright logo or my name typed electronically on the image?

Unfortunately no. In the term of fairness, will not be allowed to see the name of the photographer at the time of judging. Any images that do contain photographer’s name on the image or any other watermark/copyright information, will be disqualified from being presented to the judges.

Can I submit my images using storage device, shareable link or in a book?

No, every image must be uploaded in our website only.

Can images taken on camera phones be entered into the competition?

Yes of course, phone cameras are doing really good there days.
Please make sure, that the image quality is good enough and a higher resolution version will be required for exhibition.

Do my images need to be taken within a certain timeframe?

No, there is no certain timeframe, you can submit your current images as well as old ones.

Do the sponsors have rights to use my image?

No, the sponsors have no rights to use your images.

Will my images be used in any other way?

The entrant permits the organizing committee to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition for the sole purpose of promoting the competition and the photographers themselves. This includes low resolution posting on a website.

How can I find out the results of the competition?

Shortlisted finalists will be individually notified by email or any other medium. The winners will also be announced on the Exposure Travel & Photography website.

How do I contact you?

We would be delighted to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to reach us using the contact details mentioned in our website. Please note, we are also reachable on Instagram and Facebook.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How many images can I upload?

You can enter maximum of 25 images in total. There is no restrictions on categories.

How much does it cost to enter into the mentioned contest?

EXPOSURE Travel & Photography’s contests are always FREE of cost. You don’t have to pay anything to participate in the contest.

I am unable to upload my images, what should I do?

Please ensure that your images are not more than 2MB in size, has 72 dpi, 1800px on the longer side and are in JPG or JPEG format.

Also, your Internet connection may cause the issue hence please check that too.

If the issue still persists, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Is judging anonymous?

Yes, we respect the integrity of the photographers and therefore judging is anonymous. Judges will not know the names of any of the entrants.

What about published work? Can I submit them in this contest?

Yes, feel free to submit your published works also.

What should be the file size and format?

• Dimension – 1800px on the longer side
• File size – Within 2MB
• DPI – 72
• Format – JPG or JPEG
All participants should be able to supply a high resolution image suitable to print for the exhibitions. We’ll ask for the same later from the shortlisted finalists only.

What is the deadline of the contest?

Submission will start from 1 July at 00:01 hrs IST and will be hard closed on 4 August at 23:59 hrs IST.

My image(s) didn’t upload correctly, what should I do?

Please re-upload the image if not uploaded already, otherwise get in touch with us.
Can I submit a photograph that has already won an award, or has been entered in any competition?
Yes, you can submit work that has been previously submitted to another photography competition, or that has previously won an award. However, in an effort to promote the creation of new work and maintain fresh flow of ideas, we encourage you to submit new work as much as possible.

How much do I have to pay for the contest?

The contest is absolutely FREE, there is no participation fee.

How much do I have to pay for the exhibition?

Selected finalists will have to pay INR 500/- or 8 USD per selected image as exhibition fee.

How to pay the exhibition fee?

Payment details will be shared later with the finalists only and the payment should be made by 15th August – 23:59 hrs IST.

When the finalist list will be announced?

Finalist from each category will be announced on 8th August, 2019.

How the finalists will be notified?

Finalist list will be published on our website. We’ll also reach to all the finalists through mail. We may publish the same list on our social media.

When the winners will be announced?

Winners will be announced on 19th August 2019.

How the winners will be notified?

Winners list will be published on our website. We’ll also reach to all the winners through mail. We’ll also share the same on our social media.

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